The Fight Against Human Trafficking in Indonesia’s Fisheries Industry

  • Mokhamad Saiful Farisin Brawijaya University
  • Alvina Putri Fazha Brawijaya University
Keywords: Human Trafficking, Slavery, Fisheries Industry, Fisherman, Indonesia


Human trafficking in Indonesia's fisheries industry, which gained international attention following the Benjina case, highlights the issue of modern slavery. This study aims to analyze the Indonesian government's efforts to address the threat of human trafficking in the national fisheries sector, a topic that has been scarcely explored in existing literature. The research employs the 4Ps framework (Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Partnership) by the U.S. Department of State, using a qualitative approach with secondary data. The findings reveal that the Indonesian government has undertaken various initiatives across the four key pillars: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, and Partnership. These efforts include training and capacity-building for law enforcement, establishing rehabilitation centers for victims, enhancing legal frameworks, and collaborating with national and international stakeholders. However, the study also notes the absence of specific legal provisions addressing human trafficking within the fisheries sector. These findings underscore the need for policy evaluation to ensure that the measures implemented can have a significant impact in combating human trafficking in Indonesia's fisheries industry.

Author Biographies

Mokhamad Saiful Farisin, Brawijaya University

Depratment of International Relations

Alvina Putri Fazha, Brawijaya University

Depratment of International Relations


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How to Cite
Mokhamad Saiful Farisin, & Alvina Putri Fazha. (2025). The Fight Against Human Trafficking in Indonesia’s Fisheries Industry. Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 12(4).