Maintaining the Demographic Bonus for Increasing Cultural Resilience in Indonesia
- Purpose: This study aims to explore strategies for leveraging Indonesia's demographic bonus to strengthen cultural resilience. It seeks to identify how the younger, productive population can be mobilized to preserve, adapt, and innovate traditional cultural practices amidst globalization and societal changes, ensuring cultural sustainability and national identity for future generations.
- Study Design/Methodology/Approach: This study adopted a qualitative approach, using a literature review and case study analysis. Data was collected from an extensive review of demographic trends and national policies aimed at strengthening cultural resilience.
- Findings: The findings highlight that Indonesia's demographic bonus can strengthen cultural resilience through local-based education, youth empowerment, and media promotion of cultural values. Equipping youth with knowledge and skills in formal and informal settings is vital, alongside government policies and multi-sector collaboration to sustain these efforts.
- Originality/Value: This study explores the link between Indonesia's demographic bonus and cultural resilience, highlighting the role of youth in preserving and innovating traditional culture. It offers strategies for policymakers and educators to integrate cultural education, digital tools, and youth empowerment, ensuring cultural sustainability amidst globalization and social change.
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