Resolution of The Long Conflict In Papua for Equitable National Development

  • Abdul Chasib
Keywords: Community Resilience, Strategy and Diplomacy


The issues of human rights violations, conflicts, and the demands for independence in Papua have not been resolved and continue to be sensitive issues both nationally and internationally. Foreign countries have made efforts to raise this matter to international forums, pushing for Papua's independence from Indonesia. The government's response through diplomacy, TNI/Polri (Indonesian National Armed Forces/National Police) operations, infrastructure development, economic approaches, and special autonomy has not yet provided a solution. The purpose of this writing is to provide an overview; analysis and alternative solutions to the problems in Papua, conducting in-depth research from top to root with a focus on the national interest perspective approach. The methods used are qualitative analysis, direct observation, and empirical, alongside literature studies on previous journals/writings. The main discussion is on building community resilience both in fulfilling basic rights and the capability to provide resistance aid. In the TNI/Polri operations, the strategy discussed includes considering ongoing assignments with the target of continuous results from previous territorial development and security, while in the diplomatic field, it involves not only conducting offensive diplomacy but also massive diplomacy across various forums. The establishment of community resilience initiated by the regional government can facilitate TNI/Polri Task Forces in expanding security areas to suppress the Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KSB). Success is measured by how much local community resistance aid is provided and the non-emergence of new groups and limited movement of KSB, whereas diplomatic success is assessed by the reduction or disappearance of support from foreign parties.


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UU No.2/ Tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian RI pasal 13 tentang tugas pokok Kepolisian RI.
UU No.3/ Tahun 2002 tentang Pertahanan Negara pasal 2 tentang Hakekat Pertahanan Negara bersifat semesta.
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Perpres No. 25/ Tahun 2011 tentang Percepatan Pembangunan Provinsi Papua dan Provinsi Papua Barat Perpres No. 66/ Tahun 2011 tentang UP4B. Part of the Asian Studies Commons, Diplomatic History Commons, International Relations Commons,and the Political Theory Commons.
How to Cite
Chasib, A. (2024). Resolution of The Long Conflict In Papua for Equitable National Development. Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 12(1).