Democratic Consolidation An Indonesian Unity Perspective

  • Winarto Hadiwasito
Keywords: Democratic Consolidation, Government Performance, Welfare and Justice


The foundational framework for the concept of democratic consolidation stems from the fulfilment of external variables to democracy itself. Embracing this, through systematic thinking, a consolidated democracy emerges from diverse sets of governmental performance. Once achieved, this form of democracy fosters unity and cohesion within society. Aspects of democracy, such as civil liberties, the right to vote and be elected, as well as democratic institutions, will be consolidated if the government consistently performs and delivers prosperity and justice to its citizens by refining bureaucratic laws and enhancing the state’s economy. 

Consolidated democracy necessitates reliable bureaucracies capable of directing policies towards achieving adequate social welfare, thereby enabling citizens to freely participate in political democracy. Political society possesses the agency and capabilities to express their political opinions, uninfluenced by money politics and cartel parties.

The presence of an economically adequate society reinforces the notion that the legal structure is paramount in maintaining order, certainty, and justice. When confronted with the principles of unity and cohesion, democracy must invariably align with the precepts of Pancasila.

Failure to achieve democratic consolidation will lead to the fragmentation of unity among society. The ultimate indicator of societal unity and cohesion is the fulfilment of conditions for consolidated democracy, which depends on the actions of leaders, products of costly political recruitment (elections).


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How to Cite
Hadiwasito, W. (2024). Democratic Consolidation An Indonesian Unity Perspective. Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 12(1).