Reactualization of National Resilience: A Historical and Conceptual Study

  • Ridwan Zulkarnain Panca Putra Simanjuntak Lemhannas RI
Keywords: National Resilience Concept, Sustainability of National Resilience, Historical and Contextual Factors, Conceptual Research, Application of the National Resilience Concept



The development of the concept of national resilience requires in-depth research because of its holistic and specific nature. Meanwhile, literature analysis in understanding the strategic role is important to pay attention to the design of the National Lemhannas RI and the 2025-2045 RPJPN.


A qualitative method with a semi-structured interview technique was carried out for the purpose of accurate application and adjustment of changes to the concept of national resilience since 1964.


The results of this study found that the concept of national resilience continuously follows the times. The development occurred in response to the increasing threat spectrum and complexity of the strategic environment.

Practical Implications:

This study provides an understanding of historical and contextual factors that affect the concept of national resilience in order to provide certainty for the sustainability of Indonesia's national resilience in the future.


The contribution to this study provides an urgent understanding of the role of the Indonesian National Institution as a center of excellence in the field of national resilience to realize a sovereign, independent, and personality Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Simanjuntak, R. Z. P. P. (2024). Reactualization of National Resilience: A Historical and Conceptual Study. Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 12(1).