Semiotic Analysis of The Garuda Pancasila on The Indonesian National Football Team Jersey

  • Adhika Wicaksana Mahasiswa
Keywords: Indonesian Football National Team, Ideology, Semiotics, Garuda Pancasila


Garuda Pancasila, which appears on the jersey of the Indonesian National Team, has become a constant component in football games since the Republic of Indonesia gained its independence. Players, fans, and the Indonesian community as a whole all use it. This descriptive qualitative study seeks to explain the significance of the Garuda Pancasila emblem that appears on the jersey of the Indonesian national football team. The semiotic method of Roland Barthes and the ideological idea of Althusser are both used in this work. The research focuses on the jerseys for the 2022–2024 seasons. Text analysis is used with this data set. The goal of this study is to ascertain the significance of the Garuda Pancasila symbol that is embroidered on the Indonesian national team shirt. This study discovers that the Garuda Pancasila on the Indonesian National Team jersey has been a sacred symbol for those who wear the jersey to this day and has been a part of political manifestations and ideological narratives since the Old Order, when President Soekarno instilled it in Indonesian society.


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How to Cite
Wicaksana, A. (2024). Semiotic Analysis of The Garuda Pancasila on The Indonesian National Football Team Jersey. Jurnal Lemhannas RI, 12(1).